
Evan Wilder's viral video series of sharable long shots capturing the peacefulness of the Pine Barrens
● Saught sought ●
● Filmed in the New Jersey Pine Barrens ●
● Made by Evan Wilder ●
Additional production by Nice Looking Designs.
2013 - 2019
The Full Playlist1-101Long Shits
The complete collection can be viewed here.
They should play back-to-back, automatically, without advertising.
Alternately, you can browse the set individually, below.
Duration: 2 days, 10 hours, 49 minutes, 28 seconds Year: 2013 - 2019
Harvest Moon1Long Shits
A full moon appears to move westward as acorns fall.
Duration: 23:36 Year: 2013
Jupiter Over The Pines2Long Shits
Jupiter shines over treetops as the sun sets on this part of Earth.
Duration: 29:37 Year: 2013
Windy Pines At Dusk3Long Shits
The forest grows darker during a muted, overcast sunset in February.
Duration: 47:18 Year: 2013
Late Spring Frogsong4Long Shits
A frog sings into a warm May night.
Duration: 22:09 Year: 2013
Lightning & Lightning Bugs5Long Shits
Fireflies follow a late June thunderstorm at dusk.
Duration: 45:00 Year: 2013
Sleeping Fawn6Long Shits
A lone fawn naps away in sunny summer afternoon peace.
Duration: 37:26 Year: 2013
Atlantic City As Seen From Leeds Point7Long Shits
Atlantic City flickers silently over Leeds Point marshlands, home to the Jersey Devil story.
Duration: 50:46 Year: 2013
Getting Through Winter8Long Shits
A squirrel endures a cold winter rainstorm.
Duration: 22:25 Year: 2013
Fleeting Flurries9Long Shits
January flurries flow and slow.
Duration: 39:37 Year: 2014
Shifting Shadows10Long Shits
Sun shines over January snows casting shifting shadows.
Duration: 01:09:39 Year: 2014
Powdery Pines11Long Shits
Powder pours down through pines.
Duration: 33:22 Year: 2014
Frozen Fade12Long Shits
Sun sets over ice at Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge, amidst calls by geese, ducks, owls and eagles.
Duration: 01:00:09 Year: 2014
Snow On Bone13Long Shits
Snow accumulates, slowly pushing down dead leaves around deer remains.
Duration: 40:41 Year: 2014
Tree Trunk In Setting Sun14Long Shits
A towering trunk that turns into two sways with breeze at sunset.
Duration: 20:11 Year: 2014
Sunset On Spring Pines15Long Shits
Young pines absorb nutritious celestial radiation as the horizon brings night.
Duration: 21:33 Year: 2014
Goshen Pond In Twilight16Long Shits
Earthlings of different shape and size sing under security of night.
Duration: 21:07 Year: 2014
A Nice Summer Day In The Pine Barrens17Long Shits
Summer delivers on a day close to solstice.
Duration: 20:57 Year: 2014
Swaying Cedars18Long Shits
Tall trees sway in sunny swampland.
Duration: 19:34 Year: 2014
A Lone Mother And Her 13 Little Ones19Long Shits
A turkey and her close poults find repose in summer shade.
Duration: 9:29 Year: 2014
Goshen Pond In Twilight, Again20Long Shits
Another visit to Goshen Pond at twilight in early autumn reveals some mysterious sounds and the not-so mysterious sound of distant offroad vehicles.
Duration: 28:21 Year: 2014
Cedar Stream In October Rain21Long Shits
October rain falls as a cedar stream makes its way towards Atsion Lake.
Duration: 22:31 Year: 2014
October Stream22Long Shits
A cedar stream flows through peaking October foliage as gentle rain begins.
Duration: 22:02 Year: 2014
Sundown On October Pines23Long Shits
The sun sets on an autumn scene not too far from Carranza Memorial.
Duration: 23:57 Year: 2014
Autumn Colors Up Carranza24Long Shits
Late October overcast woods reveal fading flora and high-frequency fauna song.
Duration: 18:56 Year: 2014
Light Fades On Foliage Shades25Long Shits
Late day sun makes way through deteriorating, deciduous, chromatic canopy.
Duration: 20:49 Year: 2014
Idle Cranbury Bogs In Dusk26Long Shits
Fading autumnal sun sets pine grove aglow.
Duration: 19:08 Year: 2014
Bogs Of Franklin Parker Preserve At Nightfall27Long Shits
Quietude, tranquility, and night take over.
Duration: 15:39 Year: 2014
The Day After Halloween28Long Shits
Wind and clouds darken dusk on a first of November.
Duration: 31:31 Year: 2014
Autumn Wind Through Oaks29Long Shits
Sun and wind animate fall color.
Duration: 32:24 Year: 2014
Abandoned Rail Lines30Long Shits
A sun sets on overgrown, disused train tracks on a warm November day.
Duration: 22:11 Year: 2014
Crows At Absegami31Long Shits
Crows congregate in the warming sun of April.
Duration: 10:31 Year: 2016
Spring Rain32Long Shits
Gentle rain comes to unfurling forest.
Duration: 16:02 Year: 2016
Eno's Pond In May33Long Shits
Admittedly curious of locale's name due to Brian Eno; unwittingly filmed on his birthday.
Duration: 16:02 Year: 2016
November Supermoon Rising Over A Medford Backroad34Long Shits
Open space beckons during moonrise.
Duration: 21:38 Year: 2016
Sirius Slides Across December Sky35Long Shits
The brightest star during the darkest month
(In the global north, at least).
Duration: 25:14 Year: 2016
Carranza Memorial In Snow36Long Shits
The Memorial stands as snow falls.
Duration: 32:36 Year: 2017
Pine Barrens Festival End, 201737Long Shits
Post-carnival ambiance as the fun ends and the work begins.
Duration: 21:43 Year: 2017
Moonbeams Scatter About Skit Branch38Long Shits
In silent sanctitude, smooth surface of shimmering cedar streams dances and distorts low luster of lunar light.
Duration: 18:09 Year: 2017
August Moonrise Over The Atlantic39Long Shits
Summer soon slides into September. The moon emerges over el mar, making a moment.
Duration: 21:53 Year: 2017
Moonlit Atlantic From Long Beach Island40Long Shits
Glistening crests catch the satellite's mirrored sunlight.
Duration: 32:19 Year: 2017
Eclipsed Sunshine On Skit Branch41Long Shits
Solar eclipse as seen on surface of cedar stream.
Duration: 20:13 Year: 2017
Spider In Late Summer Sun42Long Shits
Refracting webs catch late summer sunlight.
Duration: 41:47 Year: 2017
Under A Bridge Behind A Batsto Cemetery43Long Shits
Light reflects through dilapidation.
Duration: 38:57 Year: 2017
Batsto Lake In October Dusk44Long Shits
Fish break the surface sending wakes of concentric circles as dusk shades silently take the lake.
Duration: 30:53 Year: 2017
Bats In October Dusk45Long Shits
Autumnal twilight glow silhouettes fluttering, feeding bats.
Duration: 13:35 Year: 2017
Waterbugs & Traffic On A Mullica Waterway46Long Shits
Surface insects swarm as canoes slide beside.
Duration: 34:45 Year: 2017
October Sunset At Lower Bank Cemetery With The Bats & Mosquitoes47Long Shits
Sights and sounds shift from dusk to dark.
Duration: 28:30 Year: 2017
A Pumpkin Patch In Nightfall's Fading Shades48Long Shits
Fall feels on the farmstead.
Duration: 01:03:31 Year: 2017
Ruins Of Atsion Furnace In Autumn49Long Shits
The furnace remains make it through another season, as the nearby sound of Route 206 indifferently motors by.
The site dates back to 1766.
Duration: 50:54 Year: 2017
Ruins Of Hampton Furnace Ghost Town In Fall Foliage50Long Shits
Late light illuminates fading, falling leaves around remains of long-gone bog iron smelting spot.
Duration: 18:07 Year: 2017
Nightfall On Batsto Color51Long Shits
Autumn twilight fades to dark as cedar water flows on through the night.
Duration: 31:01 Year: 2017
October Sunset At A Batsto Bridge52Long Shits
Cedar stream and surrounding scenery surrender to darkness.
Duration: 01:35:26 Year: 2017
Another October Sunset At A Batsto Bridge53Long Shits
October sunset glows orange through reddening foliage amidst aged vestiges.
Duration: 29:51 Year: 2017
Leaves Drift54Long Shits
Cedar stream flows, carrying leaves to where nobody knows.
Duration: 26:48 Year: 2017
Darkening Orange Horizon55Long Shits
Night pushes light below the horizon.
Duration: 27:07 Year: 2017
November Moonrise Over Tabernacle56Long Shits
The moon's fully-lit, unfluctuating, aphonic face is slowly exposed by falling horizon.
Duration: 32:48 Year: 2017
November Moon57Long Shits
Moon moves through thin cloud cover.
Duration: 24:11 Year: 2017
Deep Run Cedar Brook In Cold Dusk58Long Shits
A fine little flow feeds Deep Run below.
Duration: 16:59 Year: 2017
Snowfall On Cranberry Bogs59Long Shits
Flakes fall on foregone farm.
Duration: 40:59 Year: 2018
A Late Winter Snow60Long Shits
Heavy snow tests the trees.
Duration: 39:26 Year: 2018
Bending Boughs61Long Shits
Pines lean under heavy winter blankets.
Duration: 26:11 Year: 2018
Sparkling Arcturus Rising On A Freezing March Evening62Long Shits
α Boötis rises above us.
Duration: 19:55 Year: 2018
A Crescent Moon And Venus Set Through Late Winter Oaks63Long Shits
Western horizon ascends through view of Moon and Venus.
Duration: 14:29 Year: 2018
Orion's Belt Drifting West In Late Winter64Long Shits
Alnitak, Mintaka, and Alnilam approach the western horizon as our world drifts on, ever east.
Duration: 18:00 Year: 2018
Venus And Mercury Set In A Last Winter's Dusk65Long Shits
An eve-of-spring view of planets setting.
Duration: 43:30 Year: 2018
Hawk Perched In Spring Sunset66Long Shits
Raptor reviews eventide events via overwatch.
Duration: 01:00:18 Year: 2018
Jupiter Rising In April's First Hours67Long Shits
Eastern horizon descends to reveal view of great Jovian gas giant.
Duration: 27:40 Year: 2018
Jupiter And Moon Rising In April's Last Hours68Long Shits
Celestial objects break through night-time cloud cover, occasionally.
Duration: 33:37 Year: 2018
Moon Follows Jupiter Through Oak Spring Growth69Long Shits
Moonlight reveals silhouettes of new oak leaves.
Duration: 48:22 Year: 2018
Jupiter Sets On First May Dawn70Long Shits
Earth rotates eastward, hiding Jupiter and bringing daylight.
Duration: 18:06 Year: 2018
Batsto Birdsong In Spring71Long Shits
The forest revives in birdsong.
Duration: 56:52 Year: 2018
May Frogsong In Passing Evening Storm72Long Shits
Frogs creek and croak after thunderstrokes.
Duration: 01:28:34 Year: 2018
Fleeting Goldfinches Over Batsto In Spring73Long Shits
Still scene shows signs of spring.
Duration: 26:33 Year: 2018
Venus Following Crescent Moon In June74Long Shits
Eventful evening with Venus and Moon.
Duration: 01:17:27 Year: 2018
Venus Following Crescent Moon In July75Long Shits
Eventful evening with Venus and Moon, revisited.
Duration: 28:47 Year: 2018
Mars Passing By76Long Shits
Mars moves through the lens and the summer night sings.
Duration: 25:41 Year: 2018
Mars Passing By, Again77Long Shits
Mars moves through the lens and the summer night sings, again.
Duration: 16:21 Year: 2018
Late Summer Cumulonimbus At Dusk78Long Shits
Cloud forms erupt in sunset hues.
Duration: 21:44 Year: 2018
Blue Sky Moon79Long Shits
Moon beams through September afternoon on pines below.
Duration: 15:00 Year: 2018
September Dusk80Long Shits
Shadows expand in late summer sunset.
Duration: 54:08 Year: 2018
Glistening Fall Foliage Along The Batsto81Long Shits
Late sunlight streams, illuminating little flying lifeforms and leaves in senescence.
Duration: 15:08 Year: 2018
Another Autumn Nightfall At Hampton Furnace82Long Shits
Autumn ambience of Batsto tributary from day to dusk to dark.
Duration: 57:49 Year: 2018
Crescent Moon Reflection83Long Shits
Light from satelite as seen on surface displays a reversed sight.
Duration: 32:07 Year: 2018
May Winds At Bulls Branch84Long Shits
Fresh air rushes over lush brush, scrubs, shrubs, and shallows.
Duration: 01:08:27 Year: 2019
Flowing Cedar Foam85Long Shits
Gray November afternoon watching water flow and foam form near Hampton Furnace.
Duration: 21:50 Year: 2019
Foaming Cedar Flow86Long Shits
More gray November afternoon watching further water flow and foam form near Hampton Furnace.
Duration: 28:18 Year: 2019
Darkening November Field87Long Shits
Dark and cold of somber November night take over Hampton Furnace ruins.
Duration: 32:28 Year: 2019
Leafless November Swamp88Long Shits
Stillness, sticks, and stream instill a wintry inner silence and solitude despite distant droning of Cesnas and such.
Duration: 24:10 Year: 2019
Cold Dimming Cedars89Long Shits
A dam sends spilling sounds through the obscured and otherwise silent swamp.
Duration: 26:21 Year: 2019
Mid-November Snow90Long Shits
Snowfall finds fall foliage.
Duration: 24:00 Year: 2019
November Swamp In Surging Stream91Long Shits
Below a bridge over the Batsto the swamps submerge and swell.
Duration: 54:35 Year: 2019
Deep Hollow Branch Takes The Trail92Long Shits
Floods seize the footpath as early dark sets in.
Duration: 30:08 Year: 2019
Late November Sundown On Pasadena Ruins Field93Long Shits
Fall field alight in fading late-day sunglow.
Duration: 43:21 Year: 2019
December Skies Over Ruins At Friendship94Long Shits
Clouds roil along as more time passes over curious rubble.
Duration: 01:06:21 Year: 2019
Warm Light On Cold January Oaks95Long Shits
Setting sun streams reddening beams on bark.
Duration: 01:15:37 Year: 2019
January Moonset Through Swaying Oaks96Long Shits
Bare trees obscure sinking moon before dawn breaks.
Duration: 51:29 Year: 2019
Jupiter, Moon, & Venus In Late January Dawn97Long Shits
Celestial sights pass on through other side of night.
Duration: 58:05 Year: 2019
March Skies Over Ruins At Friendship98Long Shits
Day goes dark on remote ruins.
Duration: 01:22:25 Year: 2019
Featherbed Swamp In Late Winter99Long Shits
Promising light pours in on breeze and currents.
Duration: 01:06:30 Year: 2019
Distant Wild Swans100Long Shits
Secluded spot sees stillness, silence, swans swimming.
Duration: 24:07 Year: 2019
Cloud Watching In A Mid-September Sky101Long Shits
Franklin Parker Preserve sees a September sky show to end all Long Shits.
Duration: 01:29:00 Year: 2019